Q2Label annotation services

Q2Label specializes in image and video annotations for computer vision models. Q2Label offers bounding boxes, segmentation and keypoints for datasets of all sizes.


Let's meet! We discuss your project needs, desired outcomes, and data volume. Share sample images showcasing your annotation requirements.
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Trial sample

We annotate a trial batch using your specific instructions. We agree on definitive requirements, ensuring consistent, high-quality annotations.
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Annotated dataset

We thoroughly review the results, ensuring they align perfectly with your project goals. You are equipped with a high-quality, accurate dataset.
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"Q2Label understands each project has unique interests. That can either be a meticulously annotated dataset, or fast delivery on large datasets."
Bart de Backer
"I love data. Data data data data data data data data data data data data data data. And cycling. But also data data data and more data. "
Erik van der Poel
Co-founder & Data Scientist